Vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, cheap and lazy easy!

You can also try my delicious creamy almond milk
"Our deeply-rooted beliefs about the wholesomeness of milk and dairy products should be re-considered under careful, scientific evaluation". Bodo Melnik, Environmental Medicine and Health Specialist
You will need
500ml water
50g gluten-free oat flakes
1 pinch Kosher salt
That's it!
PS: For a flavored version, you can use vanilla extract
For a sweet version, you can use dates, honey or maple syrup
If you want a lighter version, add more water. For a creamier version, use less water
Place the oats in the bowl. Mix 20sec/ Speed 10
Add the remaining ingredients. Mix 1min/ Speed 10
Transfer into a glass bottle and store in the fridge