One of the hardest things when you suffer from PBS is to quit cocoa things...meaning no more chocolate, no more lattes, no more brownies, etc....this was hard...until I found out I could use carob in my preparations. The good news is that carob powder can replace cocoa powder in any recipe with a ratio of 1:1.
Now I tried a first recipe to see what it tastes like, and I can say that it doesn't equal chocolate, but there is something over there that removes the feeling of disappointment and frustration. I think I'll go for the brownie soon and see what I get
This recipe is:
Gluten free
IC/PBS friendly
Not vegan
Not low carb

"I never got a chocolate birthday cake; I got a carob one. And when I went to other kids' houses, I was very covetous of things like Cheez Whiz that I'd find in their refrigerators." Amanda Marshall, Canadian Singer
You'll need
200g GF flour
100g rice flour
50g corn flour
200g roasted peanuts (optional)
150g muscovado sugar
125g clarified butter (if you are not lactose intolerant, then you can use regular butter)
125g mix carob choco chunks and white chocolate
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract or 1 pack vanilla sugar
1 cc (4g) baking powder
4g baking powder
1 pinch Kosher salt
Ajouter la farine, le sel, la levure et le chocolat. Programmer 40s/sens inverse/V3
façonner des boules (2 plaques)
placer sur une plaque nappée de papier sulfurisé
mettre au four 20min à 180 degrés
laisser refroidir
Preheat over to 180°C
Place sugar and butter in the bowl. Mix 1m30/ Speed 3
Insert butterfly. Add the egg and vanilla. Mix 30sec/ Speed 4
Add remaining ingredients. Mix 20sec/ Speed 4 then 40sec/ Speed 3/ inverted blades
On a tray already covered with parchment paper, roll heaped teaspoon sized balls of the dough and place onto the tray. Cookies will spread so leave a gap
Bake for 20min. Let your cookies cool before storing them
If you don't want to bake a big quantity, you can can use half of the dough and freeze the other half
For plain cookies, you can ditch the peanuts, the result is also great
Peanuts can also be replaced with almonds or raisins