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Moroccan recipes are mainly based on flour and an ancestral know-how that makes it hard to get great results after a first try, especially if one wants to try a gluten-free version. Well, this is my first try with this recipe, I wanted to taste those delicious biscuits and I can say the result is not bad! I may need to alter the recipe, but the taste was that of those delicious treats that remind me of childhood and family gatherings.


This recipe is

  • Gluten-free

  • IC/PBS friendly

  • Not dairy-free

  • Not vegan

  • Not carb low

When the gluten door closes, a million other ones open, just use the right amount of the right flour. Myself

You'll need

  • 500g gluten-free flour (or a mix of 230g cake flour + 200g rice flour + 70g all purpose flour

  • 120g softened butter

  • 40g coconut oil

  • 150g roasted almonds or a mix of almonds and hazelnuts

  • 100g sesame seeds (I mixed golden and white sesame seeds)

  • 120g coconut sugar

  • 70g raisins

  • 3 eggs

  • 1 Tbs carvi

  • 1 pinch Kosher salt


  1. Preheat over to 180°C

  2. Place all the ingredients in the bowl. Mix 15sec/ Speed 4

  3. Repeat twice

  4. Divide dough into 4 pieces. Shape each piece into a rough log, about 10cm long

  5. Flatten the log a bit. You can work with one log and freeze the rest

  6. Cut 1cm slices and place in an overn tray already lined with parchment paper

  7. Bake for 20min (medium rack) then 5min (top rack)

  8. Let cool

  9. Enjoy with fruits and a cup of mint tea!

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Certified TM person

Vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, cheap and lazy easy!

You can also try my delicious creamy almond milk

"Our deeply-rooted beliefs about the wholesomeness of milk and dairy products should be re-considered under careful, scientific evaluation". Bodo Melnik, Environmental Medicine and Health Specialist

You will need

  • 500ml water

  • 50g gluten-free oat flakes

  • 1 pinch Kosher salt

  • That's it!

PS: For a flavored version, you can use vanilla extract

For a sweet version, you can use dates, honey or maple syrup

If you want a lighter version, add more water. For a creamier version, use less water


  1. Place the oats in the bowl. Mix 20sec/ Speed 10

  2. Add the remaining ingredients. Mix 1min/ Speed 10

  3. Transfer into a glass bottle and store in the fridge

  4. Enjoy!

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Certified TM person

This may be the easiest and the quickest pancake recipe ever as you'll only need 2 ingredients. the result is amazing, and the first time I tried it, it went beyond my expectations. You want a lazy recipe? ok, here it is!

With the highest amount of proteins and fibers, and plenty of vitamins, oat is among the most nutrient-dense foods one can have. Source: Healthline nutritional facts

You will need

  • 240ml water

  • 100g gluten free oat flakes

  • 1/2 tsp honey

  • 1 pinch tsp Hilamaya salt

PS1: I like salty pancakes, so I always add chives and basil to the batter

PS2: These pancakes are very soft. If you want a fluffier pillow-like version, add 1 packet baking powder to the recipe


  1. Place everything in the bowl. Mix 1min/ Speed 10

  2. Heat a nonstick skillet (or a pancake machine) over medium heat (thermostat 3)

  3. With a scoop, poor some of the batter onto the skillet

  4. Cook until the surface has some bubbles (about 1min or 2) then flip

  5. Cook until the pancake get browned on the underside

  6. Repeat and make sure you stir well before you scoop so that your batter is homogeneous

  7. Serve warm with your favorite topping (I like mine with cheese or avocado)

  8. Enjoy!

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