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Vegan Cheese Potato Sauce - Certified Thermomix person

A cool recipe to try with pasta, grilled steak, raw vegetables and anything that can cross your mind.

This recipe is

  • Gluten-free

  • IC/PBS friendly

  • Dairy-free

  • Vegan

  • Not Carb low

Potato fact: Potatoes were the first vegetable grown in space. That was in 1995. Source: Nasa

You'll need

  • 500g water

  • 250g white potatoes

  • 80g coconut oil

  • 2 Tbs nutritional yeast

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1/4 tsp powder garlic


  1. Place water and salt in the bowl.

  2. Insert basket in the bowl. Place potatoe pieces. Mix 25min/ Varoma/ Speed 1 (potatoes need to be well cooked)

  3. Remove water and place all the ingredients in the bowl. Mix 20sec/ Speed 4,5

  4. Mix with favorite pasta or whatever thing you'd like to eat

  5. Enjoy!

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