The Italian way to eat potatoes. I suggest both a regular and a gluten-free option

"Pasta la vista Baby!". Unknown
You will need
500g potatoes
1 egg
150g flour (for a gluten free option, I use 70g rice flour and 50g cornstarch)
60 g parmigiano
400g water
1 pinch salt
For the pan version: add 20g butter, 1 pinch cayenne pepper, 1 ts parsley and 1 ts garlic powder
Place water in the bowl
put the simmering basket into the bowl
Add pealed potatoes. Mix 25min/ Varoma/ Speed 1
Remove the basket. Clean and dry the bowl
Drain potato and transfer them into the bowl
Add remaining ingredients. Mix 2min/ Speed 2
Shape small portions of the dough into long "snakes"
On a floured surface, cut the snakes into small pieces (about 2cm)
Press each piece with a fork to give their stripped look
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil
Add the gnocchi and cook them for about 2 to 3 minutes until they float to the surface
Drain the gnocchi and set them aside
Enjoy with grated cheese, asparagus sauce and spinach.
PS: I also love to eat them a bit crispy: In a pan, add butter, pepper, and parsley. Set over medium heat. Once the butter has melted, add the cooked gnocchi and garlic. Stir to combine for about 1min and serve immediately.