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Certified TM person

Muesli - Certified Thermomix person

I love those quick recipes that take no longer than a couple of minutes to be prepared. I also love easy recipes with easy ingredients. That's the lazy way I adhere to!

For this recipe, I looked into my pantry and used whatever ingredient I found and, tadaaa, my breakfast was magically ready to be enjoyed

"I grew up running miles of the Norfolk coastline. I'd think nothing of a six-mile run before breakfast. I still run, though not as far and not before muesli.". Sir James Dyson, Inventor

You will need

  • Nuts

  • Dried fruits

  • Seeds

  • Gluten-free oat bran

  • For a special flavor, I add a bit of white choco

Don't think about the quantities, just add what you love


  1. Toast Nuts & seeds (15min at 190°C in a preheated oven). Let cool

  2. Place everything in the bowl. Mix 5sec/ Speed 4

  3. Add 2 Tbs of the mixture to 200ml of almond milk (or lactose free milk or regular milk, you choose) and store the rest in a container

  4. Enjoy!

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