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Gluten-free Mushroom Soup - Certified Thermomix person

This recipe is

  • Gluten-free

  • IC/PBS friendly

  • Not dairy-free

  • Not vegan

  • Low carb

"Why did the mushroom go to the party? Because he’s a fungi!". Louis Tomlinson, British Singer & Songwriter

You'll need

  • 500g mushrooms

  • 150g water

  • 150g milk

  • 2 Tbs sour cream

  • 1 Tbs basil

  • 1 Tbs chives

  • 1/2 tsp Himalaya salt


  1. Place all the ingredients in the bowl. 24min/ 90°C/ Speed 1

  2. Add sour cream. Mix 30sec/ Speed 8

  3. Enjoy!

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