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Certified TM person

Gluten/Dairy-free Condensed milk - Certified Thermomix person

Thermomix is a life saver! I couldn't imagine how to survive food intolerances and kitchen disasters without this wonderful machine. People say "yeah! but TM costs money...a lot of money". Indeed, TM is an investment, but compared to how much you save by making your own food, it becomes clear that TM is not expensive at all. Plus, what you prepare will always be healthier than store-bought products. So here we go! Trying this super easy recipe and still enjoying condensed milk. Give it a try!

"Condensed milk is wonderful. I don't see how they get a cow to sit down on those little cans" Fred Allen, American Comedian

This recipe is:

  • Gluten free

  • Dairy free

  • Vegan

  • PBS friendly (if coconut is tolerated)

You'll need

  • 800ml coconut cream (the thick version)

  • 250g muscovado sugar


  1. Place ingredients into the bowl. Replace the measuring cup by the strainer. Mix 40min/ Varoma/ Speed 4

  2. Transfert into a glass container

  3. Let cool

  4. Enjoy!

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