Yes, this is the recipe of a "pear compote" and yes babies are not the only humans to eat compotes. Personally, I like it because it is healthy (well, sugar...) and dairy free so it can fit into many diets (ok, not the best option for diabetes) and it is a great way to have kids eat fruits for this recipe can use pears, apples (or both) or any other fruit...You name it!

Now shut up and eat your pears". Suzanne Collins, American screen writer and author of The Hunger Games
You will need
500g ripe pears
30g coconut sugar
1 packet vanilla sugar
Cut the pears into small pieces and place them in the bowl. Mix 3 mn / 80°C / Speed 1
Add the remaining ingredients. Mix 15 min / 100°C / Speed 1
Mix 1min / Speed 6
Pour into glass jars. Let cool
PS: Can be stored in the fridge for 3 days