GF and PBS diets are not as restrictive as I imagined, one just need to use the right ingredients. Easy to make, this is a rich and creamy dessert to eat anytime of the day. For a flan version, just add caramel sauce and enjoy!

Photo Copyright: Ines Iachelini
"The best place to use vanilla beans is anywhere where they won't be mixed in with a million other flavors. Anything with dairy, yogurt, milk, cream, or eggs - any custard or flan - how can it be bad?" Alex Guarnaschelli, American Chef
You'll need
3 eggs
300g lactose free milk
35g muscovado
2 GF vanilla packets (about 20g)
Preheat oven to 180°C
Place all the ingredients in the bowl. Mix 5min/ 70°C/ Speed 4
Pour the mixture into small glass serving jars and plate the jars in a shallow heat resistant ovenware
Make a water bath by filling the dish with enough water to come about halfway (or 3/4) up the sides of the custard jars
Cook for 30min
Allow to cool.
Place in the fridge for 3h