When kids don't want to eat chicken, give them cordon bleu...they love it!

Solution? a (frozen) cheesecake!
"We all eat, and it would a sad of waste of opportunity to eat badly ". Unknown
You will need
500g chicken breast
100g grated Gruyere cheese
20g flour
8 Emmental cheese slices
3 pastrami (or ham) slices
2 eggs + 1 egg beaten
1 tsp Himalaya salt
Oat crumbs
Preheat your oven to 180°C
Place chicken slices in the bowl. Mix 30sec/ Speed 4. Add Gruyere, flour, 2 eggs, and salt. Mix 30sec/ Speed 4
Divide the mixture into 16 portions. roll each portion and flatten it to get individual patties
Place 1/2 slice of pastrami then 1/2 slice of cheese over half of the patties.
Cover with the remaining patties and make sure the sides are tight.
Prepare a baking tray covered with parchment paper.
Soak each cordon bleu piece in the beaten egg then in the oat crumbs and place on the tray.
Bake for 25min
PS: You can prepare your chicken cordon bleu pieces and freeze them. You can then unfreeze and bake the portion you need
PS: You can use entire chicken breasts. If so, just cut them like a sandwich bread and insert ham and cheese slices