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Almond Nougat - Certified Thermomix person

Stop buying your nougat and make it yourself. It's very easy, and the result is amazingly yummy!

This recipe is:

  • Gluten-free

  • Dairy-free

  • IC/PBS friendly

  • Not low carb

  • Not vegan

"No one in the world has more courage than the one who is able to stop after eating one nougat". Channing Pollack, American Actor

You will need

  • 400g liquid honey

  • 1 egg white

  • 150 to 200g almonds

  • Wafer paper


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C.

  2. Roast almonds. Once cool, cut into small pieces. Set aside

  3. Place the butterfly whisk in the bowl. Add egg white. Mix 10sec/ Speed 2

  4. Add honey. Mix 60min/ 100°C/ Speed 2 (with MC out)

  5. Meanwhile, place baking sheet into a tray or a plate.

  6. Cover the surface with wafer paper

  7. You have to be quick: Remove the whisk. Add almonds and stir

  8. Immediately transfer the preparation into the plate

  9. Cover with wafer paper

  10. Chill for 2h

  11. Cut into pieces and enjoy!


- The final result strongly depends on the chosen honey. I first tried this recipe with multiflower honey and I got a liquid nougat. I'd recommend using orange flower honey instead

- If the result is liquid, freeze the nougat and shape small balls that you can cover with Caramel and chocolate.

- For a more holiday flavor, you can add vanilla

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