The easiest recipe for a real sesame seed pasta. Can be used as a spread, a dip or dressing and is used to prepare some Mediterranean/Middle Eastern food like Hummus. I like to add it to my vegetables, rice and fish, and when I crave a sweet treat, I just add some honey and enjoy a spoonful of delight
No need to say that sesame seeds have many benefits and it gluten-free and PBS friendly

Credit: <a href="">Cooking photo created by azerbaijan_stockers -</a>
"Tahini is fantastically versatile, its deep, nutty flavour a harmonious match with roasted vegetables, grilled oily fish or barbecued meat." Yottam Ottolenghi, Israeli Chef
You'll need
200g sesame seeds
That's all!
Preheat over to 180°C
Place sesame seeds in a tray. Roast for 15min and let cool
Place sesame seeds in the bowl. Mix 50sec/ Speed 5
Scrape down the edges of the bowl. Mix 10sec/ Speed 7
Repeat process 5 times
Mix 10sec/ Speed 10
Scrape down the edges of the bowl. Repeat the process one more time or until desired consistency. The more oil you release, the more liquid your tahini gets
PS: People often add sesame oil, but my recipe is oil-free. I prefer to mix the seeds until they release their own oil, the taste is stronger and much more delicious